10 Worst Enemies Of Your Roofing Materials for Longevity and Durability

Imran Ahmed

The roof is your first line of home’s defense against the elements. Unfortunately, nothing can outlast Mother Nature indefinitely. When roofs fail, whether natural or artificial, it is usually due to one of the ten items on this list. Roofing material manufacturers are constantly improving shingles and other roof components to protect against these threats. Furthermore, you can protect your roof from human error by hiring qualified roofing contractors and learning more about how your roof should work.

Top 10 Worst Enemies Of Your Roofing Materials For Your Roof in 2022

We’ve all received the knock of these enemies. So these enemies take us out of our stride and impair our performance. It could be an injury, a fear, or simply poor time management. Your roof is no different. It is subjected to conditions that may shorten its expected lifespan every day.

Take A Look At The Ten Roof Enemies For Your Home Roofing Materials For Longevity And Durability

Rain and Hail  

Of course, water is the most critical element from which your roof protects your home. Rain damage to a shelter in normal conditions is uncommon. When properly installed and in good condition. Rain should fall directly off your roof and into your gutters before falling to the ground. Several issues, however, can prevent water from draining properly from your roof. Water can collect in the valleys of your roof if leaves have accumulated, so it’s critical to clean your gutters and roof, especially in the fall.

If water cannot or does not drain quickly enough, it can slowly erode roofing material over long periods, just as it does the stones at the bottom of riverbeds. Standing water will eventually cause a problem on your roof, so it is best to complete repairs as soon as possible.


Roof damage from high winds is possible in severe storms. Strong winds can blow shingles off your roof, rendering them incapable of protecting your home from rain.

Wind can be an issue right after roof installation before the shingles’ adhesive has had time to activate in the sun. Furthermore, severe windstorms such as hurricanes and tornadoes may still be a concern even after the glue has done its job. These storms have the potential to rip shingles off roofs.

Snow and Ice  

If you live in a cold climate, you may be concerned about snow and ice damage to your roof. Snow usually melts away from your roof without a problem. However, because snow constantly exposes your roof to moisture, underlying leaks may worsen. You could end up with a real mess on your hands during the spring melt. Repair any known roof issues before winter arrives to avoid water damage from snow on your roof.

Ice dams establish because once humidity from your home cannot escape the attic. The roof is too hot without proper ventilation. Snow falls on the top and melts, causing water to run down the roof. Before entering the gutters, the water freezes on the colder part of the roof. This ice accumulation can pressure the shingles and even push them beneath the shingle sealant.


Algae can grow on your rooftop during humid, warm summers. If possible, blue-green algae, known as gloeocapsa magma, will take advantage of moist and warm conditions on your roof. Roof infections have now spread across various states of India.

Algae is merely a cosmetic issue. Algae don’t affect the operation of your roof. It does leave behind black streaks that discolor your shingles and can impact your property’s curb appeal.

Ultraviolet Rays  

The same UV light (UV) that could also fade the shades of your roof slowly degrades shingles. Asphalt shingles are far more exposed to UV light than fabrics, and they can withstand its effects for extended periods. However, in the sun, all shingles will crack and degrade. At that point, the shingles have reached the end of their natural lifespan, so they must be replaced immediately. Asphalt shingles might have a slightly longer life span in areas with little exposure to UV sun and shorter days.


More significant plant life can also influence your roof. While trees can be lovely additions to your real estate, falling leaves and twigs can endanger your roofing. Leaves and other tree debris can clog gutters or keep water if left on your canopy and cause significant damage. If the wind blows overgrown branches against the roof’s surface, they can scrape the shingles. Certain tree species may also shed sap and resin on your rooftop. These substances can soften bitumen and, in extreme circumstances, cause siding to blister. A fallen tree, of course, can cause damage to your roof and other components of your home.

Animals and Birds  

Homeowners may have a zoo of squirrels, birds, raccoons, and other animals on their property. Animals, while entertaining to watch and feed, can cause problems with your roof. Nesting is the most common issue. Birds may attempt to nest on your roof during the spring and summer. Mammals may seek refuge on your top to avoid the cold in the fall. Animals may also choose to eat on your roof, leaving debris behind.

Mistakes during installments  

Nature isn’t the only primary consideration that can affect your roof. Human decisions can either help bolster your roof or cause it to fail much sooner than it should. Many of the most critical decisions that affect the quality of the top are made during the installation process. An improperly secured roof might not even perform up to your or the manufacturer’s expectations. Flashing failure, for example, is frequently the result of equipment failures. Less experienced roofers may fail to install specific types of flashing where they are obligated or make other mistakes during strobing installation.

Unqualified Repair Jobs  

Regretfully, there seems to be a lousy roofing repair online information. It is best to avoid do-it-yourself roof repair and instead hire professional roofers who are qualified, licensed (if required), and insured to work on your roof. Those who perform under-qualified roof repair jobs frequently fail to address the underlying cause of the leak. After such a repair, the leak may crop up or continue. A professional may be required to repair the damage caused by the poor repair job, to locate and repair the source of the leak.

Roofing Misconceptions  

Home-buyers may decide things about their roof without realizing how those decisions will affect the performance of their roof. For example, homeowners must exercise caution when hanging Christmas lights from their ceilings to avoid damaging their shingles or gutters. Damage can occur if you walk on your roof without the proper footwear and knowledge. Nailing something to your roof can also cause damage.

Also, check out our social media page to learn more about roofing trends.

Take Action Against The Biggest Enemies For Your Roof.  

If you are worried about your roof, whether an ice dam or a recent repair job, calling in the professionals is always a good idea. Reza Smart Build Inc can put you in touch with a professional.